Posted Sun, 04/03/2011 - 13:52 by Fishville

Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, Photo Courtesy: Fishville
In response to this hot post (see above link) at Wenxuecity, I have posted a piece regarding the culture of the elite college admissions in the United States. I put it here to be shared with you as I think it would be a health discussion for every Chinese-American family that has college-, professional and graduate school-bound students. It was writing in a short time without paying so much attention on grammars and structures. Basically, our dream is not that different than those of Martin Luther King's in the 60s as he said in his famous “I have a dream” speech: “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
When will Harvard and Yale become UC Berkeley?
”At this time of every year, there was so much sad news relative to Chinese kids' disappointed admissions into the top schools. It is indeed a heart-broken social consequence for our kids to face year by year, as we have to confess that in some cases the only thing our children have to overcome is their Chinese family names. It is not going to be that difficult for a real change on affirmative action as Princeton's studies have concluded that affirmative action is in its sunset stage. It certainly requires a Supreme Court's action, and the good news is that the court is leaning to the right. In 2003 Michigan's case, Justice O'Connor gave affirmative action another 25 years to be practicing.
If there was a case coming from Chinese parents whose kid has a stellar profile for admissions, as extreme as Jian Li's case against Princeton in 2006, with perfect scores and excellent extracurricular activities and was rejected by the Ivies plus MIT and Stanford. And the case goes all the way to the highest court, it would be ruled that affirmative action is unconstitutional by the Supreme Court's conservative justices. That ruling could not be overturned by the current liberal president. For a big surprise for some of the fellows in this forum, this time it is not going to be the liberals on your side.
Then we will see the real change for our sons and daughters who work so hard and really deserved all of the opportunities. And America will be better off by respecting more on hard working mentality and creativity, not for the fashion and popularity. We could see in our life time, also our dream as Martin Luther King has had, that Harvard and Yale will some days become colleges like Berkeley where Asians will compose about 40% of their student bodies. I remember when I read the book entitled The Chosen regarding the evolution of admission of Harvard, Yale and Princeton. When Yale started to accept AA students in the 60s, there was so few that were admitted into Yale in the beginning, but the second year, the admitted AA students occupied Yale President's office demanding Yale to accept more AA students by asking their numbers at Yale to be close to their population share in the United States. We have a long way to learn from our civil rights leaders in this country to protect our own interests.”
Information provided by:
HYP Pathway(雅美途)
St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
An Expert on College Admission in the United States.
E-mail: [email protected]; Website: 雅美途